Thursday, November 20, 2014

what is an American

     What is An American?

       The Meaning of an American has changed so much over time. An American once was a hard working person that worked on the fields or a man that built railroads or anyone that wanted to reach the American Dream. Now in 2014, the meaning of an American is so different. technology has changed the meaning of American. To be exact the SOCIAL MEDIA has changed and molded a new American.
      Technology has gone so far and now the media has so much power. Even the American Dream has changed. It use to be about hard work and good economical stand. It was about honest and love for your family. I speak on the American Dream, because its the foundation of  America and of the American. An American is based of the dream. Change the Dream, Change the American.
       So what is an America? That's easy. Just look at the main points that the media pushes on to you and into your brain. I have just a few of the points that they keep pushing and pressing on. 1. Its to believe all and everything your government tells you. you have to be patriotic beyond belief. 2. they want you to be the perfect puppet. they what you to act like they want you to, like who they want you to, and buy want they want you too. which leads to my  last point. 3. being the perfect consumer. they want all your money and what better why to get it the by advertizing what they want you to buy. which is the reason almost everyone wears the same types of socks, shoes, hats, shirts, etc. and that's what an American is today 


  1. Great description I really enjoyed reading it

  2. Your essay could be improved, many spell and punctuation errors. I also disagree when you say "An American today has evolved due to social media and government influence." An American today is one who takes pride for his country and has a career to support himself and his family.

  3. Over all you need to work on the essay. its an ok essay but it needs a lot for work. You have a lot of spelling mistakes and grammar errors. what you should to is explain in better detail how social media is changing the American public. Use better words, more descriptive and more captivating writing would help your essay be better
